Volunteers Urgently Needed for Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament

The Michigan Center for Civic Education is seeking volunteers to serve as judges and bailiffs/timekeepers for the upcoming Michigan High School Mock Trial Tournament. The tournament is supported by funds from the State Bar of Michigan.
Volunteers have the option of serving for two morning trials, from 7:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. or one afternoon trial, from 1:30–4:30 p.m. on two different days:

• March 5 at U.S. District Court in Detroit

• March 5 at Kent County Courthouse in Grand Rapids

• March 12 at Oakland County Courthouse in Pontiac

It isn’t necessary to be an attorney to volunteer for the tournament. Participants can register online at http://tinyurl.com/mocktrial305. For more information visit the Mock Trial Information Page, or contact Michigan Center for Civic Education Director of Programs Jim Troost at Jim.Troost@oakland.k12.mi.us.

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