Program looks into LTAs

 The State Bar of Michigan (SBM) presented “Lawyer Tust Accounts: Management Principles and Recordkeeping Resources” on Tuesday, June 28, at Thomas M. Cooley Law School in Auburn Hills. 

Among the presenters were (left to right) SBM Practice Management Advisor JoAnn Hathaway; SBM Professional Standards Service Counsel Nkrumah Johnson-Wynn; SBM Professional Standards Investigative Counsel Danon Goodrum-Garland; and Attorney Grievance Commission Senior Associate Counsel Rhonda Pozehl. 
“This is the second seminar of this kind that the (State) Bar has put on. It was introduced as a result of, what we call, the TAON rule – the Trust Account Overdraft Notification rule – that went in effect in September of last year,” Goodrum-Garland said.
Photo by John Meiu

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