Ann Romney and J.C. Watts stump in Jackson for GOP victory next fall

By Jo Mathis

Legal News

When John McCain became the Republican presidential candidate four years ago, an exhausted Ann Romney said: Never again.

So when her husband, Mitt, was considering another go at it, Romney said she considered the economy and asked him one question: Can you fix it?

He said he could.

''That's all I need to know,'' she responded. ''Let's go.''

Romney spoke to six hundred people Monday night at the Jackson County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner at Jackson Community College.

She said her husband is the best qualified candidate to defeat Barack Obama in November because whenever a company is in trouble, he can turn it around.

Romney told how her husband saved the financially troubled Olympics, but only after she insisted he do it. So she went with him to Salt Lake City, where for three years he worked for no pay.

Meanwhile, she said he took care of her at the lowest point in her life as she'd recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Knowing how much he loved and cared for her gave her the strength to fight to get better, Romney said. She got so strong that she eventually ran the Olympic torch into Salt Lake City, her proud sons at her side.

Romney referred to the nation's debt, and said her husband asks the question: ''Is it worth it to borrow money from China to pay for this program?''

She said Mitt Romney will remember Michigan when he's elected, and make sure it has jobs and a strong economy.

The night's keynote speaker was former Congressman J.C. Watts, who earlier met and talked with guests that included local and state dignitaries.

During his 30-minute speech, Watts talked about the need for the United States to take a different course than the one steered by Barack Obama. He said he doesn't want his kids and grandkids to inherit a ''normal America.''

''I want them to inherit an exceptional America,'' he said.

Instead, the country is heading toward what he refered to as Europe's ''graceful decay,'' where profit is a bad word and God is removed from the public arena.

''Friends, we don't need more taxes,'' he said. ''We need more tax-payers.''

He said profit is the lifeblood of social programs and should never be considered a negative.

Watts said he's a Newt Gingrich supporter because in Watts' 54 years, it was only during Gingrich's term as Speaker of the House that the budget was balanced.

He said the country doesn't need someone who will simply manage the decay better than the Democrats.

''We need someone who'll be transformational,'' Watts said.

Published: Thu, Feb 23, 2012

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