April 19: Civil/Criminal Bench Bar Conference, 1:00-5:15 p.m., Kent County Courthouse, 180 Ottawa Ave NW - Jury Assembly Room. Join members of the Grand Rapids Legal Community for discussions on improving the practice of Civil and Criminal Law. Topics include: Vital Stats: Court Statistics; Probate Court Update; Voir Dire - What works; Appellate Update and hints from the bench for the occasional appellate lawyer; Jury Pilot Program; Update on the Criminal Defense Commission; Business court pilot program and implications for general civil practice; Judicial Observations; Bar Questions for the Bench Registration $35 for GRBA members, $50 for non-members. To register, visit www.grbar.org, find the event on the Events Calendar and use Register for Event Now link, or call 616-454-5550.
May 1: State Bar of Michigan “Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice,” 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on at the State Bar's Michael Franck Building in Lansing. Semi-annual seminar features presentations on how to maintain mutually beneficial client relationships, draft effective fee agreements, manage trust and business accounts, analyze ethical issues, and use innovative techniques and technology for law office management. Participants will receive seminar materials prepared by the featured presenters. To view the agenda, visit http://www.michbar.org/news/releases/archives12/tipstools.pdf. Registration fee: $100 for lawyers who have been in practice for less than five years; $125 for those practicing law for five years or more. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and a buffet lunch. Registration form can be found at www.michbar.org/tipstools.cfm. Participants can register online, fax the registration form to 517-346-6365, or mail with a check or credit card payment to: Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice Seminar , State Bar of Michigan , ATTN: Finance Department , Michael Franck Building, 306 Townsend St., Lansing, MI 48933-2012. For more information, contact Karen Spohn with the Professional Standards Division at 517-346-6309 or via e-mail at kspohn@mail.michbar.org
May 2: The Changing World of HR, Warner Norcross and Judd human resources and benefits seminar, Amway Grand Plaza. More than two-dozen employee benefits, labor and employment law attorneys at Warner Norcross will offer sessions. The morning half of the seminar will consist of sessions focused on employee benefits law and the afternoon portion will cover labor and employment law. Attendees may register half or full day. Nearly 20 sessions on a variety of topics covering timely issues, including health care reform, talent management, wellness programs, regulatory and legislative updates, fiduciary issues, and an aging workforce. Lunch program will offer analysis on the upcoming elections, with members of Warner’s government affairs practice group providing “hot off the wire” insight from both Democrat and Republican camps on key issues. Cost ranges from $80-$230 (includes lunch), depending on number of sessions attended, client status and materials requested. Pre-registration required. To register, go to http://WNJ.com/2012_HR_Seminar. If you have questions contact Sharon Sprague at ssprague@wnj.com.
The State Bar of Michigan will present "Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice" from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 1, 2012, at the State Bar's Michael Franck Building in downtown Lansing.
The semi-annual seminar features presentations on how to maintain mutually beneficial client relationships, draft effective fee agreements, manage trust and business accounts, analyze ethical issues, and use innovative techniques and technology for law office management. Participants will receive seminar materials prepared by the featured presenters. The seminar presents an excellent opportunity for solo practitioners and new lawyers to gain practical information from colleagues who have effectively implemented management techniques and inexpensive technology to improve the quality and efficiency of their law practices. To view the agenda, visit http://www.michbar.org/news/releases/archives12/tipstools.pdf.
The registration fee is $100 for lawyers who have been in practice for less than five years, and $125 for those who have been practicing law for five years or more. The registration fee includes a continental breakfast and a buffet lunch. Payment and the registration form, which can be downloaded from the SBM website at www.michbar.org/tipstools.cfm, must be received by Thursday, Oct. 27. No walk-in registrations will be accepted. Participants can register online, fax the registration form to SBM at (517) 346-6365, or mail it with a check or credit card payment to:
Tips and Tools for a Successful Practice Seminar
State Bar of Michigan
ATTN: Finance Department
Michael Franck Building
306 Townsend Street
Lansing, MI 48933-2012
For more information on the seminar, contact Karen Spohn with the Professional Standards Division at (517) 346-6309 or via e-mail at kspohn@mail.michbar.org
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