Legal issues of condo management examined in 4-week program

The Meisner Law Group PC is pleased to announce that Robert M. Meisner will be conducting a four week course on Tuesday evenings, Oct. 2-23, from 7 to 9 p.m. covering the legal essentials of condominium and community association management. This four week information packed seminar is designed for board members and officers, managers, developers, and association members living in or working with a condo, cooperative, or community association. Explore the many legal issues involved in the successful operation of an association. Cost is $95 ($85 per person when two or more enroll from the same organization). For registration information contact The Meisner Law Group PC at 248-644-4433, via email at:, or visit the seminar page on the website: Robert M. Meisner is the founding member of The Meisner Law Group PC. He is Michigan's first inductee into the CAI College of Community Association Lawyers. Meisner has been an adjunct professor of law at MSU College of Law and Cooley Law School, a 2012 Michigan Super Lawyer for the 4th year, the author of "Condo Living: A Survival Guide to Buying, Owing and Selling a Condominium" and has been a featured columnist for over 35 years with the Observer and Eccentric Newspapers. Published: Mon, Sep 17, 2012

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