Justice Viviano to address Children's Law Section at SBM Annual Meeting

Michigan Supreme Court Justice David Viviano will address the State Bar of Michigan Children's Law Section at the SBM Annual Meeting, from 9 to 10 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 19, at DeVos Place in Grand Rapids. Justice Viviano's program, "Reflections from the Supreme Court Bench," will provide attendees with insight into current items of importance to the justices and with Viviano's thoughts about his first year on the high court bench. The Children's Law Section Annual Business Meeting will follow Viviano's comments. New council members will be elected and current CLS Chair Christine Piatkowski will make a presentation. The SBM Children's Law Section concerns itself with matters affecting children and families involved with child protective proceedings, juvenile justice and other matters related to the juvenile court system. Section members are comprised of jurists, prosecutors, attorneys and law students that engage in a range of activities to improve legal representation for clients, advocate for the advancement of client rights and effectuate change through legal advocacy. Registration is requested to allow for proper facilities planning. Visit the SBM Annual Meeting webpage for more details or to register at http://www.michbar.org/annualmeeting.cfm. Published: Mon, Aug 25, 2014

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