On May 4, more than 100 mothers convened in Lansing for Mothering Justice’s 4th annual Mama’s March. They spoke out on issues like infant and maternal mortality, domestic violence, the need for earned paid sick time, and other issues facing Michigan mothers and families.
“Every mother and family in Michigan should have access to a living wage, affordable child care, and earned paid leave to provide for themselves and their loved ones. Unfortunately many people in our state still do not have these basic necessities,” said Staci Lowry, director of action and organizing for Mothering Justice.
“I know what a struggle it is to live without financial security no matter how hard you work — it’s a struggle that no one should have to face. Our elected leaders in Lansing can and must act to create stronger communities, better lives for women, and healthier families for everyone in Michigan.”
The 2016 Mama’s Agenda advocates for state policies to eliminate wage theft, increase access to affordable child care, increase Michigan’s minimum wage, and provide all working people with earned paid sick time and family medical leave insurance.
“No person working full time should have to raise a family in poverty. No mother should have to worry about not being there for her children because she can’t take time to care for them when they’re sick, no parent should have to choose between child care and putting food on the table,” said State Representative Erika Geiss.
“It’s incredibly important that my colleagues and I listen to the needs and concerns of mothers in our state and work to make sure that all women and families in Michigan have economic security if we’re going to create a more just and equitable society.”
Mothers at the march visited legislators’ offices to ask them to support the 2016 Mama’s Agenda and advance policies that support women and families.
“I feel empowered after seeing so many mothers working together to improve our families’ lives and our communities,” said Tomicka Robinson, a mother, Mothering Justice member, and first-time Mama’s March attendee.
“We know what resources we need to be the best parents we can be and to build strong communities so that we can leave our children with more opportunity. It’s up to our representatives to listen to make sure we have access to those resources.
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