Higher penalties are now in place for the intentional destruction or removal of traffic control devices under legislation signed Tuesday by Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder.
"The safety of all motorists is critically important, and this bill helps to deter vandalism to traffic control devices by increasing the penalties for repeat offenses," Snyder said.
HB 4187, sponsored by state Rep. Fred Durhal, strengthens penalties for the intentional damage, destruction or removal of a traffic control device by increasing the fine amount for repeat offenses by adding a tiered-misdemeanor. It is now Public Act 111 of 2016.
Snyder also signed five additional bills:
Senate Bill 331, sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones, will reduce the resale of stolen tires and wheels by requiring commercial buyers to track purchases. In addition, parts dealers may not purchase these items with cash. It is now PA 112.
House Bill 4793, sponsored by state Rep. Peter Lucido, requires that petition filings and clinical certificates in situations when a person seeks to have someone committed by a court for mental health treatment must be held by the court as a confidential record. It is now PA 113.
HB 4636, sponsored by state Rep. Bruce Rendon, amends the Insurance Code to allow self-service storage facilities to offer insurance to their customers without an insurance producer license. It is now PA 114.
HB 5278, sponsored by state Rep. Ben Glardon, gives the drain commissioner and intercounty drain drainage boards equal ability to asses charges for preliminary costs when projects are terminated before they are completed. It is now PA 115.
HB 5163, sponsored by state Rep. Kurt Heise, repeals the Urban Land Assembly Act and requires the State Treasurer to transfer all money in the Urban Land Assembly Fund to the Land Bank Fast Track Fund, closing the Urban Land Assembly Fund. The Michigan Land Bank promotes economic growth through the acquisition, assembly and disposal of public property, including tax reverted property, in a coordinated manner to foster the development of that property, and to promote and support land bank operations at the county and local levels. It is now PA 116.
For additionalinformation on this and other legislation, visit www.legislature.mi.gov.
Published: Thu, May 12, 2016