By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News
Lance Bruck, a rising 2L student at Wayne State University Law School, made the decision to study law after reading Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History of the United States” in college.
“That book taught me about the brave – and mostly unknown – individuals who sacrificed so much to advocate and promote social justice for the oppressed in this country,” he says.
“It also taught me the struggle for human rights is still being fought today and it needs dedicated and passionate people. I thought my contribution would be as an activist
After earning his undergrad degree in creative writing from Purdue University, Bruck headed to Wayne Law, and has nothing but praise for the faculty.
“They are all very knowledgeable, dedicated to their field and to molding future lawyers,” he says.
Bruck recently was honored by Wayne Law with a 2016 Public Interest Law Fellowship to work as a paralegal at the nonprofit United Community Housing Coalition (UCHC) clinic that Wayne Law runs out of the 36th District Court on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The mission is to prevent homelessness in Detroit by providing services such as
foreclosure and eviction prevention, tenant organizing and housing placement.
“It's very rewarding to help keep our clients in their homes,” Bruck says. “UCHC is a fantastic organization. I’m very grateful to Wayne Law for the Public Interest Law Fellowship.
It's an honor to attend a school that seeks to encourage students to pursue public interest work and is willing to assist them financially.”
Bruck, who previously did community outreach as a suicide hotline operator at the Lafayette Crisis Center in West Lafayette, Ind., is involved in the National Lawyers Guild Chapter at Wayne Law.
“Their emphasis on human rights over property rights really resonated with me,” he says.
A native of Sterling Heights, Bruck currently lives in Macomb Township. In his leisure time – when not swamped with law school work – he enjoys history, travel and learning to play the mandolin.
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