Rosa A. Weaver is an experienced international and domestic tax attorney. At both the federal and state level, she specializes in tax planning, tax resolution, international tax, business services and consultation, and estate planning.

After earning her undergraduate degree from Michigan State University, Weaver worked in the automotive industry where she focused on prevention and stoppage of criminal engagement in white-collar fraud and the manufacturing of counterfeit automotive service parts for Latin America and North America. She also managed multinational service contracts, developed global best practices, and successfully built cross-functional global service teams.

Weaver’s background in dealing with international complex financial matters spearheaded her interest in tax law. At University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Weaver graduated in the top 10 percent of her taxation courses and was selected to study Offshore Tax Havens in the Cayman Islands.

She began her legal career at a boutique business firm in downtown Detroit and from there served as a judicial legal intern for Wayne County Circuit Court  Judge Patricia Fresard at in Detroit. She then practiced tax resolution until founding 42’ 83’ Legal Advisors PLLC. Weaver services clients across the U.S. and abroad in federal taxation matters and has offices in Houston and Detroit.

Admitted to practice in U.S. Eastern District of Michigan and U.S. Tax Court, she is a member of the State Bar of Michigan, Wolverine Bar Association, Accounting Society of Tax Problem Solvers, ARAG, and American Bar Association – Taxation Section.

By Sheila Pursglove
Legal News

What would surprise people about your job?
Tax lawyers are afforded the opportunity to meet people from all over the country; our clientele is very diverse and connects you with people from all over the world. 

Why did you become a lawyer?
I spent almost 10 years working in corporate America.  It was a very rewarding career, however, I wanted to place myself in a position where my degree would not yield me any limits. Obtaining a J.D. has offered me limitless opportunities and has and continues to be a very rewarding profession.

What’ your favorite law-related TV show, and movie?

“Suits” on USA Network and movies: “Philadelphia” and “The Firm.”

Who are your law role models – real and/or fictional?

I do not have one legal role model, instead I find inspiration and motivation from women in law who fight the good fight and try to balance their legal career while raising a family. To me those are the real heroes.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who would that be?

 Beyonce. I would love to just hang out with other artists and celebrities and watch them perform live at concerts. That would be really cool.

What advice do you have for someone considering law school?
 Relax, take it one class, one assignment at a time. “You got this!!” Also, get involved with school organizations and network, and try to secure a mentor. 

What’s your proudest moment as a lawyer?
One of my proudest moments was when I was able to help a family save their home, retirement accounts, and other financial assets from tax assessments wrongfully assessed to them. When your whole financial security can be swept right from under you overnight it can be a scary feeling, especially when you have a family.

What do you do to relax?
It just depends on my mood. I really enjoy traveling and experiencing new places and cultures. But I also love a good weekend of binge watching a series on Netflix. Sometimes mindless activity is good for the soul.

What other career path might you have chosen?
I would have chosen medicine.  I would have loved the opportunity to be a doctor, but I didn’t realize that was a strong interest for me until much later. 

What would you say to your 16-year-old self?
Do more!!! Be limitless in your thought process, because all dreams really can become reality.

Favorite local hangouts?
Hamlin Pub (Royal Oak), Dessert Oasis Coffee Roasters (Rochester)

Favorite websites?
Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Amazon.

Favorite app?
Pinterest, IG, Instacart, Lyft, Lose It, Amazon Prime Now.

Favorite music?

Rap, Hip-Hop, and Folk.

What is your happiest childhood memory?

One that stands out was when I was 11, I was visiting my grandmother in Washington, D.C. for Christmas, and I was unable to get there until late Christmas Eve. She was waiting on me to purchase a Christmas tree, but my late arrival changed her plans. She remembered she had an old tree in her basement from when my mother was a kid. We dug out this old 6-foot silver tinsel tree from the ‘60s that spun around in a circle and changed colors. We spent hours trying to put it together and shared so many laughs. The years were not very kind to it, so it leaned at a 45-degree angle. But, we were not bothered, we were so proud of our last minute Christmas tree choice and just laughed at its awful 1960s appearance.

What is your most treasured material possession?
One I cherish dearly is a gold necklace with a charm that appears to be an irregular shape of a heart, but is really the shape of a mother and child. Another would be a coat that belonged to my grandmother.

What do you wish someone would invent?
A teleportation device for travel.

What has been your favorite year so far and why?
I don’t have a favorite year, more of a favorite period of my life. One I reflect on positively is my undergraduate years at Michigan State. 

What’s the most awe-inspiring place you’ve ever been?
The Christ the Redeemer Statue in Brazil was pretty amazing and inspiring. 

If you could have one super power, what would it be?

I wouldn’t mind super human strength or the ability to fly like Superman.

What’s one thing you would like to learn to do?
Sew and surf. I think it would be cool to make your own clothes, but I also think it would be really cool to learn how to surf. 

What is something most people don't know about you?

I am a pretty silly person and I enjoy hanging out with people that have a dry, witty sense of humor.

If you could have dinner with three people, living or dead, who would they be?
 My grandmother (deceased), my mother and my son. To have four generations at one dinner table again would be great. I love sharing family stories and memories. 

What’s the best advice you ever received?
Be present and live your life now.

Favorite place to spend money?
Outside of paying for plane tickets to visit a new country, I would say Neiman Marcus (I have a shoe and purse addiction)

What is your motto?
Work Hard, Play Hard.

Which living persons do you most admire?
My mother—she is so kind and always reinventing herself, I love that about her; my Aunt Kim—she is courageous and has a great heart; and my godmother Elizabeth—she is witty, and has always shown me you can achieve anything in life if you work hard.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

The ability to fight through my fears and uncomfortable situations.

What is the most unusual thing you have done?
Once I celebrated New Year on a rooftop of an abandoned elementary school.

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