Snyder critical of attacks on Kavanaugh accuser

KALAMAZOO (AP) - Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder says attacks on a woman accusing U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct could deter people with similar stories to contact authorities.

The Republican governor spoke Monday at Western Michigan University during a summit aimed at ending sexual assaults. He said hatred directed at Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is "not appropriate."

Snyder says comments made by President Donald Trump and others questioning her veracity can create challenges for people who want to "speak up." He adds people might be afraid they will face something like this "Supreme Court situation."

Trump on Monday said allegations made by Ford and another woman against Kavanaugh are "totally political." Kavanaugh has denied the long-ago allegations.

Ford and Kavanaugh are expected to testify Thursday during a public hearing.

Published: Wed, Sep 26, 2018