Highland Recreation Area to undergo renovations

Highland Recreation Area, located in Oakland County, will undergo a nearly $1.6 million road renovation project this summer.

The first phase of construction, set to begin July 8, will focus on:

—Replacing crumbling asphalt.
—Improving traffic flow.
—Updating sidewalks and trail crossings.
—Paving the rustic campground and other gravel roadways.
—Improving drainage.

The completed work will be in line with Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. The department will seek additional funding complete the second phase of construction in 2020.

Temporary parking lot and road closures are expected throughout the renovations. Also, the park may close to vehicle traffic for a week in late September while the main entrance road is paved. The DNR expects the project to be completed by the end of September. 

“The majority of the roads and parking lots haven’t undergone any major upgrades in nearly 50 years,” said William Althoff, park supervisor. “We are excited to see these much-needed enhancements come together, and hope they provide a more enjoyable experience for our visitors.”

Construction crews primarily will work Monday through Friday. As roads and parking lots are closed, visitors will be redirected. Some weekend work may take place to keep the project on schedule.

Anyone planning to visit the park this summer is encouraged to first visit Michigan.gov/DNRClosures for any changes to the project. Additional information on closures and detours in DNR facilities including state trails, boat launches, parks and campgrounds is listed on this page.

The Highland Recreation Area project is funded by user fees from Michigan’s Recreation Passport, which is required for vehicle entry into state parks.