Law school announces 2019 Alumni Wall of Fame inductees

Wayne State University Law School will induct five new members into the Alumni Wall of Fame during a ceremony Wednesday, Sept. 18, at the law school.

Honorees are:

- Justice Dorothy Comstock Riley '49 (posthumous), Michigan Supreme Court
- Tyrone Fahner '68, partner, Mayer Brown
- Judge Elizabeth Gleicher '79, Michigan Court of Appeals
- Lawrence C. Mann '80, retired faculty, Wayne State University Law School
- Valerie Newman '92, director, Conviction Integrity Unit, Wayne County Prosecutor's Office

The induction ceremony will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the law school, 471 W. Palmer St., Detroit. Light hors d'oeuvres will be served. Parking is $8.50 (credit or debit card only) in Parking Structure No. 1 across West Palmer Street from Wayne Law. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required at

The Wayne Law Alumni Wall of Fame Award is the highest honor presented by the law school. This distinction is awarded with great care to either alumni who have distinguished themselves by contributions that they have made in their own particular field of work, or in the betterment of humanity, or to former faculty and staff who have had a significant impact on the law school. The Wall of Fame, an interactive, multimedia installment in the Law School lobby, was made possible by a donation from 1986 Wayne Law alumnus E. Powell Miller.

To learn more about the selection process, or to nominate somebody for the Wayne Law Alumni Wall of Fame, visit Nominations are accepted on a rolling basis.

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