Firm looks at challenges for employers in 2021

Plunkett Cooney PC will present "New Challenges in the New Year: A Virtual Seminar for Employers & HR Professionals" on Thursday, February 25, from 10 a.m. to noon.

While many talked in jest about flipping the calendar to magically whisk away the turbulence and instability of 2020, the challenges of conducting business amid one of the most difficult periods in the nation's history continue to persist.

In fact, a host of new issues face business owners in the new year, so Plunkett Cooney is taking time out to address them and to provide practical tactics and strategies employers and HR professionals can use to stay ahead and position their organizations for future success.

This virtual seminar will consist of a plenary session focusing on the newest COVID-19 developments employers need to know followed by a choice of breakout session on issues Plunkett Cooney sees as particularly pressing in today's workplace.

- Plenary Session: COVID-19 Employment Law Update. This session will include a detailed discussion of current legal requirements and best practices relating to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Panelists will answer questions and concerns regarding mandatory vaccinations, workplace safety policies and preparedness plans, employee performance and productivity, and FMLA/ADA implications.

- Breakout Session 1: They Said What? During a smaller breakout session, the panel will have an open discussion regarding a very hot topic in the workplace: speech concerns. How do employers, both public and private, address problems related to political, personal, and (for public employers) "free" speech in the workplace? What strategies should you employ when workplace speech starts spilling into social media or other online platforms? Where can you draw the line?

- Breakout Session 2: Making Sure the Math is Right. This breakout group will tackle emerging wage and hour issues, including an analysis of lesser known and "remote work" pay practice pitfalls and solutions. Included in this discussion will be answers to questions you might not have yet considered, such as the impact of COVID-19 incentives on overtime calculations and how the new DOL regulations regarding "independent contractors" might cause your company concern regarding misclassification.

Speaking at the virtual program will be Plunkett Cooney attorneys Michael S. Bogren, Christina L. Corl, Laura M. Dinon, Audrey J. Forbush, Stacy L. Kelly, Courtney L. Nichols, and Claudia D. Orr

This complimentary seminar is designed to benefit business owners and executives, human resource professionals and insurance carriers providing Employment Practices Liability Insurance (EPLI).

To register or for additional information, visit and click on "events."