Clean slate expungement training offered online for attorneys

Six laws expanding Michigan residents’ access to expungement took  effect Sunday April 11. Legal Services, with pro bono assistance from Bodman, Kitch, and Miller Canfield, will provide training for attorneys willing to help provide pro bono services for these life changing cases.  A “Clean Slate Expungement Training” will take place online Friday April 16, from 2 to 3:30 p.m.

The training will feature:

• Welcome & Introductions: Vanessa Guerra, former state representative, current county clerk for Saginaw County

• Overview of Changes in the Law: Anne Yantus, Pro Bono counsel, Bodman PLC

• Court Process for Expungement: Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Michelle Rick.

Attorneys interested in attending the training can register at 2PEkfae.


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