Young Lawyers Section to discuss student loans

The Young Lawyers Section of the State Bar of Michigan will present “Getting a Grip on Your Student Loans” as a webinar on Tuesday, May 25 from noon to 1 p.m.

Attorneys have important decisions to make about managing their student debt.  Flexible repayment options and forgiveness provisions are available, but the details matter and it can be confusing to figure it out on one’s own.  Attorney and nationally recognized expert Heather Jarvis knows how to break it down step-by-step so it makes sense once and for all.

From this presentation, attendees will be able to:

  • Determine what kind of loans you have and why it makes a difference.
  • Evaluate whether you can benefit from  income-based repayment and other options.
  • Understand interest rates, consolidation, and refinancing.
  • Learn how to qualify for loan forgiveness.
  • Understand the CARES Act payment suspension and interest waiver.

There will also be time for Jarvis to answer questions from attendees.

To register for the webinar, visit and click on “events.”