By Fred Cavaiani
Life is now. Everything is filled with the Divine. Peace results in not rushing to the next moment. Move slowly. Focus on what you see. God is present there.
This life is short. Life is filled with meaning in the present moment. There are no unimportant moments in life.
Pain and struggle are the doorway to joy and peace. The embrace of pain becomes the embrace of joy. The embrace of joy allows our unfinished pain to surface. Pain and joy are two sides of the same coin.
Tension disappears when I focus attentively on this present moment. When I allow myself to feel, I allow myself to heal.
I cannot control the past. I cannot control the future. But I can profoundly experience this present moment. It is where God is found. It is where God is experienced.
I do not need preachers. I need fellow travelers in life who share their journey with me.
Negative thinking blocks me from experiencing God. Criticizing others never brings me closer to God.
Stay in this moment and life becomes a walk with God and a walk in Peace.
Everything and everyone tell me something about God.
The more I share with others, the more my heart opens wide to Love and to God.
Mothers, Fathers Partners, Spouses and kind friends can teach us so much about God.
When I stay in my heart, I experience God.
Life is simply this moment.
Life is saying hello to new people and saying goodbye to those who have died. I must do both and feel the hellos and the goodbyes. All of this brings me close to God.
No one has to change for me to find peace. No one and nothing have to change for me to experience happiness. But I must change to realize this. I must depart from selfishness and embrace the presence of God in this present moment.
It is all right to allow other people to be miserable. It is not all right to inflict condemnation on other people.
I simply need to love and all will be well in my life.
When I take quiet time, I start believing in a loving and caring God in each moment of my life.
Typing this article becomes an experience of God.
Attentively listening to other people becomes an encounter with God.
Wisdom comes to me in my attentiveness to this present moment.
Every light reminds me of the Light of God.
Every hug becomes a reminder of how much God is embracing me.
Every act of kindness toward me brings God closer to me.
Every act of kindness by me toward someone else brings that person closer to having an experience of God. It also helps me to experience God.
I do not have to worry about the next moment.
The best preparation for the next moment is an awareness and embrace of this moment.
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