The Levin Center at Wayne State University Law School will present a webinar on "Oversight of U.S. Disaster Policy, 2016-2020" Thursday, June 24, from noon to 1:30 p.m. via Zoom.
As climate change intensifies hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding, and wildfires across the country, understanding how the government oversees the response has never been more important.
The Levin Center will host a presentation by Levin Center Oversight Scholar Professor Kristin Taylor on federal oversight of U.S. disaster policy and programs from 2016 to 2020. Taylor will describe a new database and the innovative analytic techniques she used to explore oversight undertaken by both the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General related to short-term disaster recovery and long-term hazard mitigation policies.
Taylor was selected as the Levin Center Oversight Scholar for the 2020-2021 academic year and won a $17,000 award to support her disaster-related oversight work. Her scholarship examines the politics of disasters. She focuses on policy learning about hazard mitigation in federal systems of government. Taylor's work has been published in Policy Studies Journal, Administration & Society, Review of Policy Research, and the Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy.
To register for the free webinar, visit For additional information, email Margaux Laspeyres at