Foreclosure and mortgage servicing law focus of video

The National Business Institute will present the live video webinar "Foreclosure and Mortgage Servicing Law: Spotting (and Avoiding) Common Traps" on Wednesday, September 1, from 2 to 5:15 p.m.

The alphabet soup of federal borrower protection laws-RESPA, TILA, and the FDCPA-can be incredibly difficult to navigate, no matter which side you're on. This program offers clear guidance on what servicers and lenders must be doing at every stage of the foreclosure process. Especially with the recent strengthening of the mortgage servicing rules, there's not a lot of room for error.

Attendees will:

  • Get clarity on the responsibilities of servicers and foreclosing parties before, during, and after the sale.
  • Review pre-foreclosure requirements relating to loss mitigation, dual tracking, borrower contact, and more.
  • Learn what it takes to comply with key RESPA and FDCPA rules.
  • Build familiarity with common foreclosure defenses, pre-foreclosure requirements, and post-sale issues.

This program is designed for attorneys. Accountants may also benefit.

Cost for the webinar is $299 which includes the course book. To register, call 1-800-930-6182 or visit