National security legal experts to discuss lessons learned since 9/11 in ABA webinar

The past 20 years of American counterterror and national security efforts have had profound impacts on our nation and the world. A panel of legal experts will discuss which changes in processes, policies, laws and resources worked ­— or didn’t work — in the webinar “Lessons for the Next 20 Years: What We’ve Learned in the Two Decades Since 9/11.”

The online program, sponsored by the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on Law and National Security, will take place from 4 to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 9.

ABA President Reginald M. Turner will deliver opening remarks and Judge James E. Baker, director of the Institute for Security Policy and Law at Syracuse University College of Law, will serve as moderator for the webinar, held in commemoration of the 2001 9/11 attacks and their victims.
Panelists will include:

  • Ambassador Anne W. Patterson, Kissinger Senior Fellow at Yale Jackson Institute for Global Affairs
  • Michael G. Vickers, former undersecretary of defense for intelligence
  • Sahar Aziz, professor of law and Chancellor’s Social Justice Scholar at Rutgers Law School

The webinar is co-sponsored by the ABA  International Law Section; ABA Civil Rights and Social Justice Section; Institute for Security Policy and Law at Syracuse University; Journal of National Security Law & Policy at Georgetown Law Center on National Security and the Law.

To register for the complimentary webinar, visit