'Pro Bono Mentor Match Program Training' offered

The Oakland County Bar Association will conduct a “Pro Bono Mentor Match Program Training” on Friday, October 8, from 8 a.m. to th 1 p.m. at the MSU Management Education Center, 811 West Square Lake Rd. in Troy.

This program matches new lawyers who are willing to take a pro bono case with a more experienced lawyer willing to mentor the new lawyer through the case. 

Cases are referred in the areas of family law, including simple no-asset divorce disputes; landlord-tenant; expungement; and license restoration. These types of cases provide the new lawyer with valuable hands-on experience with small cases that are of great importance to the low-income client.

The mentor is available to meet with the client, answer questions, review pleadings, attend court or other hearings with the mentee and generally provide as much guidance and feedback to the mentee as the mentee deems necessary and/or as the mentor is able to offer. This program is offered to new and established lawyers.

Both mentees and mentors are invited to participate in this training to receive up-to-date information.

The training is free to both OCBA members and non-members. To register, visit www.ocba.org and click on “events.”