State Bar president to address Rochester Bar

The Rochester Bar Association will host its next meeting on Thursday, February 17, from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Rochester Mills.

State Bar of Michigan President Dana Warnez, of Schoenherr, Cahill, & Warnez PC, will address the RBA. In her job as SBM president, Warnez is determined provide a safety net to others in the legal community and believes the SBM's SOLACE Program will meet that need. Prior to her SBM leadership post, Warnez served as a member of the 21st Century Task Force; chair of the Representative Assembly; member of Strategic Planning Committee, Awards Committee, Online Legal Resource and Referral Committee; and chair of local District D Character and Fitness.

For additional information or to register for the lunch, contact Deborah Fordree at