Law firm's Lids for Kids events fits 1,000 kids with bike helmets

Sinas Dramis Law Firm is pleased to announce that between both its Lids for Kids events in Lansing and Grand Rapids, more than 1,000 kids were properly fitted and given a free bicycle helmet. At the Lansing event on May 14th, 459 Mid-Michigan kids got new helmets, with another 606 kids receiving helmets in Grand Rapids. Additionally, the firm is pleased to announce that thanks to generous donations from many, it also raffled 48 bikes and scooters between both events.

Since Lids for Kids first began, more than 13,000 bike helmets have been distributed to Michigan children.

Despite a two-year break from the annual event due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s Lids for Kids events were some of the most successful in event history. Sinas Dramis Law Firm Partners Tom and Stephen Sinas agree, the event is about promoting bike safety, in a fun way, and trying to make the community a little bit safer.

“We see time and time again how much bike helmets help people when they're in a bike accident save themself from a brain injury,” said Stephen Sinas.

“Trying to provide a fun atmosphere so that kids are excited about not only their summer, but excited about the idea of wearing their bike helmet,” said Tom Sinas.

The Lansing event is sponsored by Sinas Dramis Law Firm, Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI), Origami Rehabilitation Center, Michigan Association for Justice, WLAJ ABC 53, WLNS, and Applied Imaging. The Grand Rapids event is sponsored by Sinas Dramis Law Firm and Brain Injury Association of Michigan. Local event partners include  Grand Rapids Public Schools, FOX 17, Grand Rapids Fire Department, Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital, Garfield Park Neighborhoods Association,  GoGo Squeez, Applied Imaging, and Office of Special Events City of Grand Rapids.

To learn more about Lids for Kids, visit or