Section presents 'Taxation Boot Camp & U.S. Tax Court Presentation' November 30

The State Bar of Michigan Taxation Section will conduct the “4th Annual Fundamentals of Taxation Boot Camp & U.S. Tax Court Presentation” on Wednesday, November 30, from 11:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the MSU Management Education Center, 811 W Square Lake Rd. in Troy.

The section is proud to announce the combination of two programs into one event with the Fundamentals of Taxation Bootcamp and a presentation on the United States Tax Court by Judge Joseph W. Nega.

Born in Illinois, Nega is a graduate of DePaul University, 1981;  DePaul University School of Law, 1984; and Georgetown University School of Law, 1986.  He was on staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation of the United States Congress: legislation attorney, 1985-1989; legislation counsel, 1989-2009; and senior legislation counsel, 2009-2013. He was appointed by President Obama as judge of the United States Tax Court; sworn in on September 4, 2013 for a term ending September 3, 2028.

The Fundamentals Program consists of five presentations on a wide range of topics including Federal Income Tax, Employee Benefits, State and Local Tax, and Estates & Trusts.

The event schedule includes:

• 11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.—Registration / Check?In
• 12:15-12:45 p.m.—Welcome/ Lunch Served
• 1-1:45 p.m.—Full Group Presentation - Federal Income Tax Presentation by Kurt Piwko and Emily Murphy, Plante Moran PLLC
• 1:45-1:55 p.m.—Break
• 1:55-2:40 p.m.—Breakout Group 1 - Purchase Price Allocation Presentation by Andrew MacLeod, Dickinson Wright PLLC
• 1:55-2:40 p.m.—Breakout Group 2 - An Introduction to Employee Benefits Law by Eric Gregory, Dickinson Wright PLLC
• 2:40-2:50 p.m.—Break
• 2:55-3:40 p.m.—Breakout Group 1 - State and Local Tax Presentation on Flow?Through Entity Tax by Tony Israels, Michael Merkel and David DeCew, Plante Moran PLLC
• 2:55-3:40 p.m.—Breakout Group 2 - Estates & Trusts Presentation by Nick Papasifakis, Clark Hill PLC
• 3:40-4:00 p.m.—Break
• 4-4:50 p.m.—U.S. Tax Court Presentation by Judge Joseph W. Nega, United States Tax Court
• 4:50-5:00 p.m.—Closing Comments
• 5-6:30 p.m.—Networking Happy Hour-Drinks and Appetizers Provided (on site)

Cost for the Boot Camp is $25 for Taxation Section members, $10 for law students, and $50 for all others. The Presentation/Networking costs $15 all registrants.

To register, visit