Twice as nice

The Atheneum Hotel in Greektown was the site of the 2022 Holiday Party for the Wolverine Bar Association and the D. Augustus Straker Bar Association on December 14. In the top photo are board members of the Straker Bar, including (left to right) Past President Michael Hall of Michael Everett Hall Law, Nicole Huddleston of the Detroit Justice Center, Chastity Youngblood of the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, Treasurer Renita Forrest of Forrest Law, President-elect Tanisha Davis of Tanisha M. Davis Attorney at Law, Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Kameshia Gant, President Ponce Clay of Clay Law, A.J. Hamilton of the Detroit Justice Center, Carlton Watson of DTE Energy, Mikai Green of Greenlaw Virtual Intellectual Property, and Vassal Johnson of the Law Offices of Vassal N. Johnson II.

Board members on hand from the Wolverine Bar Association included (left to right) Southfield attorney Angela Enoch; Diane Hutcherson of Kramer, Corbett, Harding, & Dombrowski; President Alan Venable of Venable Law; Macie Tuiasosopo Gaines of Gaines & Gaines; and Mikai Green of Greenlaw Virtual Intellectual Property.

(Photos by Tom Kirvan)



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