Butzel principal co-founds wage and hour group

A principal in Butzel Long's Ann Arbor office is one of founders and chair elect of the Wage and Hour Defense Institute (WHDI), a national legal network and educational platform to help employers contend with wage-and-hour-law issues. Butzel's Robert Boonin joined co-founders chair Susan Eisenberg of Miami-based Akerman Senterfitt; and vice chair Jonathan Keselenko of Boston-based Foley Hoag LLP, in the endeavor. The Institute is a forum for employment counsel to stay at the "cutting edge" in the evolving wage-and-hour landscape throughout the country. In addition to providing legal updates on recent cases and legislative initiatives, the WHDI has an active schedule of conferences for helping employment counsel advance defense strategies. The group also hopes to empower its members in influencing wage-hour laws and public policy. The WHDI also hosts a blog, with contributions by member lawyers, addressing current cases and related topics. Some recent postings discuss questions of proper classification of employees and independent contractors, as well as employees' claims for wages and overtime pay for alleged "off the clock" work. The WHDI also sponsors various seminars for in-house counsel and senior human resources executives. Boonin expressed that by having this network of leading wage and hour defense attorneys, they are able to identify litigation trends and strategies being employed in this complex and nuanced area from across the nation. "The WHDI is the only organization of its kind and its members are uniquely positioned to provide insight and extraordinary representation to employers as they grapple with wage and hour claims." For more information and a member directory, visit www.wagehourdefense.org. Published: Thu, Mar 18, 2010

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