Paroled killer gets 50-80 years in girl's shooting

PONTIAC (AP) -- A Pontiac man on parole for second-degree murder has been sentenced to 50 to 80 years in prison for shooting his girlfriend's 5-year-old niece in the face. An Oakland County Circuit Court jury on Feb. 18 found 30-year-old Keyon Timmons guilty of eight counts assault with intent to murder. Authorities say Timmons had threatened to kill several of his girlfriend's relatives before he drove to an Oxford Township mobile home on Sept. 9, 2009, and shot Jordayna Barrett when she answered the door. The girl recovered. Circuit Judge Nanci Grant last Thursday extended sentencing guidelines by at least 10 years because of the shooting incident and Timmons' past conviction in a 1995 killing. Timmons insisted he wasn't responsible and said he planned to appeal his conviction. Published: Mon, Mar 22, 2010

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