Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan speaks

By Kimberly Atkins The Daily Record Newswire Justice Elena Kagan heard her first oral argument as a member of the nation's highest court on Monday of this week. And what were her first public words in the job? ''Mr. Burke, if we could stay with this,'' Kagan said to Las Vegas attorney Christopher Burke, starting what was her first of about 10 questions during oral arguments in the case Ransom v. FIA Card Services, N. A. Kagan waited about 17 minutes into the argument before she asked her first question - similar to the approach taken last year by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who waited about 20 minutes on her first day before speaking. But Kagan seemed to feel right at home with her fellow justices. At one point, she even finished a question started by fellow Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. After arguments in Ransom, a bankruptcy matter, Kagan left the bench before the remaining eight justices took up the consolidated criminal sentencing cases Abbott v. U.S. and Gould v. U.S. Those are among the 24 cases Kagan has indicated she would sit out, based on her involvement as solicitor general. Published: Thu, Oct 7, 2010

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