County continues winning streak

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson announces the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) has honored Oakland County with its Popular Annual Financial Reporting Award for Fiscal Year 2009. This is the 12th year in a row the county has received this prestigious recognition. "Our Fiscal Services team continues to make Oakland County shine," says Patterson. "It is another example that we have the best of the best serving Oakland County residents." Every year, the Fiscal Services Division of the Department of Management and Budget compiles its Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) to summarize for taxpayers how the county spends their money. It is one of the ways the county works to make government transparent and accessible to its residents. The GFOA gives the award based on the creativity, presentation, ease of understanding and reader appeal of the financial report. "We have won this award every year we have created the PAFR," says Tim Soave, Fiscal Services manager. "The PAFR is the result of a number of people working together as a team under the coordination of Gaia Piir, our grant and program coordinator in Fiscal Services." Piir, an Ortonville resident, has dedicated 18 years of service to Oakland County residents. To view Oakland County's 2009 Popular Annual Financial Report, go to: Published: Fri, Nov 12, 2010

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