Gov. to give first State of State address Jan. 19

By Kathy Barks Hoffman

Associated Press

LANSING (AP) -- Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder will deliver his first annual State of the State address on Jan. 19, the earliest date in more than a decade, his staff said Wednesday.

Snyder will give the address at 7 p.m. in the House Chamber at the Capitol. All 148 lawmakers are invited, as are the Supreme Court justices, department heads and various other guests and officials.

The address will be broadcast live on most public television and radio stations as well as on the Michigan Government Television cable channel.

The earlier-than-usual date is tied to the new governor's rush to get moving on his plan to reinvent Michigan. Snyder said Monday that he's "chomping at the bit" to get his administration under way.

Gov. Jennifer Granholm gave her eight State of the State addresses in late January or early February. Gov. John Engler gave many of his 12 State of the State speeches the last week of January, but spoke in 2000 on Jan. 19 and in 1996 on Jan. 17.

Next up on Snyder's agenda is proposing a budget plan for the fiscal year that starts Oct. 1 and for the following year. He wants lawmakers to have the two-year budget passed by July 1.

Published: Fri, Jan 7, 2011