Michigan unemployment continues decline in January

By David Runk Associated Press DETROIT (AP) -- Michigan's unemployment rate continued to decline in January, falling to its lowest point in more than two years amid gains in the manufacturing and construction sectors, the state reported recently. The seasonally adjusted 10.7 percent rate for January was down from a revised 11.1 percent rate in December and just above 10.6 percent from December 2008, the Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth said. Michigan's rate remained above the national rate for January of 9 percent, which was down from 9.4 percent in December. Rick Waclawek, director of the department's Bureau of Labor Market Information and Strategic Initiatives, said data from the second half of last year and the early part of this year suggest the state's labor market is improving. "However, payroll job totals remain well below and unemployment rates well above pre-recessionary levels," Waclawek said in a statement. Seasonally adjusted Michigan payroll jobs rose in January by 40,000 to more than 3.9 million. The manufacturing sector led the January job gains, with 20,000, while trade, transportation and utilities rose by 7,000 and construction jobs increased by 6,000. The January unemployment rate for Michigan is three full percentage points below its January 2010 level of 13.7 percent. The state's monthly unemployment rates have been trending downward since reaching 14.1 percent in August and September 2009. In January, unemployment decreased by 21,000 as total employment rose by 16,000. The state's labor force edged down by 5,000 workers. Earlier this year, the state reported the December rate was 11.7 percent. It said that was changed to 11.1 percent in part because of an annual data revision process that takes place each February under the guidance of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The national unemployment rate for February was 8.9 percent, a continued decline from January'as rate. Michigan releases its February rate later this month. ---------- Online: http://www.michigan.gov/dleg Published: Fri, Mar 11, 2011