Court in action

On Wednesday, March 2, the Federal Bar Association, Eastern District of Michigan Chapter, and the Cooley Auburn Hills student chapter of the Federal Bar Association hosted a motion call at Cooley's Auburn Hills campus. U.S. District Court Judge Victoria Roberts (center), Eastern District of Michigan, presided over three motions argued by the attorneys in those cases in Cooley's state-of-the-art trial courtroom. Federal Bar Association President Laurie Michelson welcomed the participants and thanked them for bringing this educational experience to the students. Among those taking part in the event were (left to right) Visiting Professor Ava Ortner, Professor Monica Navarro, Professor Alan Gershel, Professor and Assistant Dean Lauren Rousseau, Professor Mark Cooney, and Auburn Hills FBA Student Chapter President Choi Portis. The students commented that the event was a great learning experience that helped them by seeing civil procedure in action. Photo courtesy of Cooley Published: Mon, Mar 14, 2011