Shift of seasons in store for OCBA's Race Judicata event

By Tom Kirvan Legal News A spring staple for more than two decades, the Oakland County Bar Association's "Race Judicata" will sport an early autumn flavor this year. The annual event--which features 5-kilometer and 10-km races along with a 5-km walk--will be staged tentatively on Sunday, Sept. 11 instead of its usual first Sunday in May date, according to Katie Tillinger, member services/development coordinator for the OCBA. "The move to September for the race was one that came out of the strategic planning process which the OCBA undertook about a year and half ago," Tillinger said. "During this process we noticed that the spring season is very active at the OCBA with seminars and events, and decided it could be beneficial to our members who participate to move this event to the fall. The Race Judicata committee met and agreed that a fall race would be a good move and might increase participation." This year's event is being chaired by David Saperstein from Maddin, Hauser, Wartell, Roth & Heller, while the vice chair is Meredith Taunt from Strobl & Sharp. Race committee members also are considering a change of locations for the three-pronged event, Tillinger indicated. "We are still considering (Bloomfield Hills) Andover High School, but because of the move to fall, Andover cannot confirm a date until the summer," Tillinger said. "We also have interest in returning to Covington, but are also considering contacting Cranbrook. We are working with a couple different race management groups trying to establish a location for this September." The Race Judicata, of course, is a play on words with the Latin term "res judicata," which is short for a "matter judged." For those interested in helping sponsor the event, contact Tillinger at (248) 334-3400 or send her an e-mail at Published: Fri, Mar 25, 2011

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