Coach's Playbook: "Marketing: Become Known for What You Do"

By Elizabeth Jolliffe Legal News People do business with people they know, like and trust. The first step is getting known. If you tell me you want more clients, I will ask who knows what you do? How would someone or a company in your target market even know that you exist? How do you expect work to come to you? If you don't like your own answers, you need to write a marketing plan to become known for what you do as a lawyer. Use the outline below to write a simple plan. The bullet points are merely suggestions to get you thinking. There are more questions you could consider about where your current business comes from, commonalities among your seemingly disparate clients, etc. If you are way past Marketing 101, think again about who you want as clients and ask yourself how you can sharpen your focus. Take a fresh look at your tactics and your tools. Think about how you can make your marketing more effective. Your Target Market - Who do you want To reach? * What is your niche? * Who needs your services? * What kinds of people or situations do you like to service? * Who do you want calling you? * Where do you already have opportunities, connections, a knowledge base, a reputation? Your Marketing Tactics - How Will You Reach Your Market? * Direct networking, relationship building through personal contacts, associations, etc. related to your target market * Referral sources. (list them by name and/or by occupation) * Online technology & networking. (website, blog, email, e-newsletters, LinkedIn, Facebook) * Writing and/or public speaking to your target market * Advertising, sponsorships * No tech no cost placement & distribution of marketing material Your Marketing Tools - What Do You Need? * Business cards that specify what you do * Website with your photo * Create a Google profile. List your address so that a map pops up * Create a LinkedIn profile -a simple, no cost way to establish a professional presence on the web * Prepare, practice and use a 30 second elevator speech * Blog * Brochure The bottom line: identify your target market, choose a few, simple, repeatable tactics that fit you, and get the tools in place that you will need. Put these in writing. Then start and stick with your tactics to reach your market. Do them consistently. Do them over and over again. Simplicity and persistence. Those are the keys. You will become known for what you do. You will develop more business. Elizabeth Jolliffe is a certified career management and business development coach for lawyers. She practiced for 19 years as a business litigator and partner at Clark Hill PLC in Detroit. Elizabeth helps her clients build their practice, take charge of their career and reach their full professional potential. (734) 663-7905 or Elizabeth@ Your Published: Thu, Apr 7, 2011