Sales of Recreation Passports top 1 million since program began

Secretary of State Ruth Johnson and Department of Natural Resources Director Rodney Stokes recently announced that more than one million Recreation Passports have been purchased since the program began eight months ago, bringing in $10 million for the benefit of Michigan's parks and outdoor recreation in general. The Passports replace the old window sticker system and allow annual access to all of Michigan's 98 state parks and recreations areas and 1,000 boat launches for just $10 ($5 for motorcycles). They can be purchased at the time motorists renew their vehicle registration with the Secretary of State-or when visiting a park. Motorists who elect to buy a Passport have a "P" indicator printed on their license plate tab, which park rangers will check for either at the entrance booth or in the parking areas. "Many people are discovering what a tremendous value the Recreation Passport is--and in buying one, they are helping preserve our parks for future generations," Johnson said. "The Secretary of State's Office is proud to team with the DNR as it strives to conserve, protect and promote our natural resources." "Our great partnership with the Secretary of State and her personal commitment to the success of the Recreation Passport shows in the sales numbers, which are on target to meet our projections," Stokes said. "Michigan residents are passionate about outdoor recreation, and we continue to see strong support for the Recreation Passport across the state." Johnson said with summer arriving, she expects that more Secretary of State customers who are renewing their registration will take the opportunity to purchase a Recreation Passport. "Michigan's state parks and recreation areas are wonderful destinations for residents and visitors alike," Johnson said. "I encourage anyone who loves the great outdoors to get a Passport, pick some parks and explore our state!" For additional information on the Recreation Passport, visit For information on the programs and initiatives of the Secretary of State's Office, visit its website ( and sign up for the official Twitter feed ( and Facebook updates ( Published: Tue, Jun 14, 2011