President of LAD at book signing for new novel

Why are women like teabags? You can find out at a book signing and launch party on Sunday, June 26, from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Detroit Yacht Club on Belle Isle.

That's when and where author Deierdre L. Weir will send off her new novel, "Women Are Like Teabags."

The novel is a story of five African-American women who live in Detroit and tracks their journey to professional and personal growth and fulfillment. It is Weir's first novel, and she says she has another on the way.

The title of her first work of fiction, Weir says, is a metaphor for the strength and endurance all women have in common.

"Women are like teabags," she says, "because when you drop them into hot water they only get stronger."

Of her main characters she says: "These are five women who are teabags. At times they are so strong that they are almost bitter. At other times, their weakness can bring about pain, defeat and betrayal.

"They all learn that in the end, life shows you that when it hurts too much to look back and you're afraid to go forward, you can always sip on a cup of tea, look next to you, and see your inner strength."

At her day job, Weir is president and CEO of Legal Aid and Defender Association, Inc., one of the nation's largest poverty law firms, serving some 18,000 clients annually in metro Detroit. She is also a mother and grandmother.

The book signing and launch at the Detroit Yacht Club is free of charge and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Those who attend will be able to purchase a copy of "Women Are Like Teabags" and have it signed by Weir. They will also receive a free "Teabags" tote bag.

For more information on "Women Are Like Teabags" or to purchase the book online, go to

Published: Thu, Jun 23, 2011