
    March 10, 2015


    1. Self-defense 101
    2. Volunteers needed for Michigan's Foster Care Review Boards
    3. Bills create oversight of makers of alcohol ignition devices
    4. 4 BU Law students to assist area residents facing foreclosure
    5. Exploring Fracking
    6. Daily Briefs . . .


    1. Saying goodbye
    2. Bank of the mafia
    3. Push your reset button


    1. The bull market at 6; charging hard or out of control?
    2. Analysis: Why does health overhaul drama continue?
    3. Obama's pro-trade allies fight claims about China's currency
    4. Nebraska law firm to receive ABA eLawyering award
    5. Survey: Business economists support rate hike this year
    6. Health Care Analysis: Why does health overhaul drama continue?
    7. Volunteers needed for Michigan's Foster Care Review Boards
    8. Self-defense 101 Attorneys learn the 'basics' at program
    9. Push your reset button
    10. Nebraska law firm to receive ABA eLawyering award
    11. Saying goodbye
    12. Bank of the mafia
    13. Wall Street The bull market at 6; charging hard or out of control? Investors are enjoying one of the longest bull markets since the 1940s
    14. Washington Senate torture report: An exception in CIA oversight Report raises question of how well run are other CIA programs
    15. Trade Obama's pro-trade allies fight claims about China's currency
    16. Colorado Clairvoyant, cartoon buff nixed from theater shooting jury
    17. Vermont Blotting an old stain on a town's reputation Retired judge argues in new book that man committed complicated suicide
    18. Utah Man pleads guilty in bomb plot against police station
    19. New York Preventing prison rape Inmate videos aim to reduce sexual assaults
    20. Supreme Court Notebook
    21. Detroit GM plans $5B stock buyback, averts showdown with hedge funds
    22. Domestic mediation training in Lansing
    23. Bills create oversight of makers of alcohol ignition devices
    24. 4 BU Law students to assist area residents facing foreclosure
    25. Washington Extent of Obama's executive reach often in eye of beholder President's go-it-alone strategy has been recurring target of GOP
    26. Washington Republican senators issue warning over U.S.-Iran nuclear talks Democrats accuse Republicans of risking another war in the Middle East
    27. Economy Survey: Business economists support rate hike this year
    28. National Roundup


    1. Man pleads guilty in bomb plot against police station
    2. Clairvoyant, cartoon buff nixed from theater shooting jury
    3. Blotting an old stain on a town's reputation
    4. Preventing prison rapeInmate videos aim to reduce sexual assaults
    5. Supreme Court Notebook


    1. Senate torture report: An exception in CIA oversight
    2. National Roundup
    3. Extent of Obama's executive reach often in eye of beholder
    4. Republican senators issue warning over U.S.-Iran nuclear talks


    1. GM plans $5B stock buyback, averts showdown with hedge funds
    2. Domestic mediation training in Lansing
    3. State Roundup