Daily Briefs July 20

Input sought for Michigan’s ‘One Court of Justice’ website
Getting users’ feedback and suggestions for Michigan’s “One Court of Justice” web site is the goal of an online survey posted at http://courts.michigan.gov/.

The brief survey asks participants what features they most often use on the web site and whether the information was easy to find. The survey also invites participants to suggest ways to improve the site.

The “One Court of Justice” web site includes information from the Michigan Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, and State Court Administrative Office.

Other online features include a trial court directory, a news center, links to trial court web sites, and a self-help service for those who want to represent themselves in legal matters. The Michigan Supreme Court Learning Center offers educational resources, a virtual tour, and tour booking information through the web site.

The survey closes on August 8. Survey results will be used in a redesign of the web site.

Attorney co-sponsors Holocaust studies program in Poland
Michael H. Traison, a principal in the law firm of Miller Canfield’s Chicago and Detroit offices, co-sponsored, through The Michael H. Traison Fund for Poland, the sixth edition of the International Teachers’ Summer Institute “Teaching about the Holocaust,” held at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, July 1-7.

Sixty participants took part in the Institute, among them middle and high school teachers from different cities, towns and villages from all over Poland, NGOs educators, consultants and evaluators, experts from the Teacher Training Center and students. The program included a one day study visit to the State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well the International Youth Meeting Centre in OÊwi´cim/Auschwitz and Auschwitz Jewish Centre.

The Institute is a common project of Polish, American and Israeli partners. All experts invited to the Institute are recognized academics and scholars from the United States, Poland and Israel. For more information about the VI International Teachers’ Summer Institute Teaching about the Holocaust, visit www.holocaust.uj.edu.pl.

Traison specializes in helping businesses solve their commercial and financial problems including bankruptcy and restructuring as well as providing expertise in international trade & export controls, representing clients in Israel, Poland, the Czech Republic and other areas of Eastern Europe. He received both his M.Ed. and Ph.B. from Wayne State University and his J.D. from Michigan State University College of Law. He resides in Chicago and West Bloomfield, Mich.

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