Congrats Grads

The Oakland County Adult Treatment Court (ATC) celebrated its 32nd graduation honoring seven graduates from the ATC program on Wednesday, July 11, in the Oakland County Board of Commissioners’ Auditorium in Pontiac. ATC judges, Oakland County Circuit Court Judges Joan Young (third from left) and Colleen O’Brien (third from right), congratulated graduates (l-r) Jason Goodson, William Blevins, Robin Richardson, and Emmanuel King. The ATC is an intensive four-phase program for non-violent, felony offenders who are challenged to maintain sobriety. The program is designed to include extremely close judicial and community supervision, intense substance abuse treatment, frequent and random substance abuse testing, and a long-term commitment to program requirements. O’Brien and Young lead the ATC team. Additional members of the team include a defense attorney, two MDOC probation officers (one for each gender), a program supervisor, and various treatment providers, including a member of Oakland County’s Common Ground.

Photo by John Meiu

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