‘Court Stories’ is new online video series about Michigan courts
Telling the everyday stories of Michigan courts – and the people they serve – is the focus of a new online video series, Court Stories, a production of the Michigan Supreme Court Office of Public Information. The series debuts today on the “Michigan Courts” YouTube channel and on the Court’s web site.
The first video, “Youth Fitness Academy,” tells the story of an Otsego County juvenile court program that, through physical fitness and lessons about personal responsibility, offers young offenders a way to a better life. The story features Otsego County Probate Chief Judge Michael Cooper, Juvenile Officer Wesley Smith, Juvenile Caseworker Ashley Hand, and students of the Youth Fitness Academy.
Marcia McBrien, the Court’s public information officer, said the series will focus on the relationship between courts and communities. “Until they’re directly involved – for example, by being a party in a case – many people don’t see any connection between the courts and their lives,” McBrien said. “But courts have a great impact for good in all kinds of low-drama ways. We hope to tell those stories.”
New Court Stories videos will be announced as they are posted to the “Michigan Courts” YouTube channel, www.youtube.com/user/MichiganCourts?feature=plcp, and the Michigan Courts “One Court of Justice” web site, www.courts.mi.gov/news-events/court-stories/pages/default.aspx.
Holiday Hours
The Third Circuit Court Civil, Criminal and Family Divisions will be closed Monday, Dec. 24 and Tuesday, Dec. 25 in observance of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
On Wednesday, Dec. 26, Thursday, Dec. 27, and Friday, Dec. 28, the court will be open for essential services only, including criminal arraignments, probation violation, failure to appear warrants, personal protection orders, parental waivers, and other emergency civil and family division matters. The County Clerk’s office will be open to accept civil and domestic relations pleadings and new case filings from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on those days.
The court will be closed on Monday, Dec. 31 and Tuesday, Jan. 1, 2013, in observance of New Year’s Eve and and New Year’s Day, and will re-open on Wednesday, Jan. 2. The emergency procedure that is posted in the Detroit Legal News every Friday should be followed for any after-hour emergency matter.
Assigned Claims Facility has been transferred to MAIPF
Under the authority granted by Public Act No. 204 of 2012, the Assigned Claims Facility has been transferred from the Secretary of State to the Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility (MAIPF). The MAIPF will maintain all functions of the Michigan Assigned Claims Plan (MACP). Therefore, as of Dec. 17, 2012, all new claim applications must be submitted to the MAIPF.
Additionally, there will be a new application that must be utilized when filing a claim as of December 17, 2012. The application can be found at www.michacp.org under the “file a claim” tab.
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