Michigan student one of ABA annual Law Day Contest winners

The American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division recently announced that Amelia Schon of Mason High School in Mason, Mich., has won its third annual Law Day Contest for single entry and that Ann Keating and Michael Keating of Bergen County Academies in Hackensack, N.J., won first place in the group submission category.

Schon’s artwork, titled “Dripping with Aequalis,” is based on this year’s Law Day theme, “Realizing the Dream: Equality for All.”

“This piece has tremendous depth,” said Christopher A. Rogers, chair of the ABA Young Lawyers Division. “Amelia’s entry best captured the understanding of the Law Day 2013 theme in a clear and compelling illustration that forces the observer to reflect on equality and consider the work that remains unfinished. The attention to detail in her artwork is truly outstanding.”

In the spirit of collaboration, the Ann Keating and Michael Keating’s artwork was titled “Law Day Collage.”

“It is a well-thought-out artistic expression that speaks to the foundation on which the principles of equality and justice are built,” said Lacy Durham, public service director of the ABA Young Lawyers Division. “This piece is deserving of this award. I hope that more young people will start to realize Dr. King’s dream and strive to make it a reality.”

Durham added: “The Law Day Contest sparks so much excitement! It is amazing to see how young people over the country express their appreciation for the law and their understanding of the judicial system.” 

The winners of the contest will receive prizes up to $750 and a party hosted by the ABA Young Lawyers Division in their hometowns.

Finalists were evaluated based on originality, creativity, quality and relevance to the contest theme. Kiena Cooks of James H. Bowen High School in Chicago was the runner-up in the single-entry category.

The annual Law Day Contest is an opportunity for students to learn about the legal system. All U.S. students, grades 9 to 12, were eligible to submit an art piece on this year’s contest theme.

Envisioned in 1957 by then-ABA President Charles S. Rhyne as a special national day of recognition, the first Law Day was established by President Dwight Eisenhower the following year. Congress issued a joint resolution in 1961 designating May 1 as the official day to celebrate the nation’s commitment to the rule of law.

While Law Day is officially recognized on May 1, many civic groups and bar associations celebrate with a month of programs, presentations and events.

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