The CNBC show “American Greed,” hosted by Stacy Keach, conducted an on-camera interview with Harness Dickey attorney, Steve Holtshouser. The interview was related to the Martin Sigillito case he tried in 2012 as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. Sigillito was a St. Louis attorney and Anglican Bishop who operated an international Ponzi scheme for 10 years and defrauded victims of approximately $70,000,000. Sigillito was sentenced to 40 years in prison. An appeal is pending. Steve’s former office and the local federal bench were recused in the matter and the Kansas City office was put in charge, but the AG’s office in D.C. designated Steve to assist the Kansas City office. Steve ended up being a primary trial attorney in a 4-week trial.
The interview took place in Harness Dickey’s St. Louis office. The program will air sometime this upcoming spring or fall.