Daily Briefs . . .

 Snyder OKs bills funding training to help people with autism

Universities will get funding to help health care professionals better help patients with autism spectrum disorders, and families with autistic members will have access to additional resources under a bill signed into law by Gov. Rick Snyder. 

House Bill 5742, sponsored by state Rep. Margaret O’Brien and approved with strong bipartisan support, amends the Autism Coverage Reimbursement Act to allow for the one-time expenditure of up to $4 million for help universities train health care professionals to assess, diagnose and provide treatment to people with autism spectrum disorders.
The bill also provides $1.5 million for the Autism Alliance of Michigan through the Michigan Department of Community Health to provide assistance and resources for families dealing with the disorder.

“We’re working to build a stronger provider network to help people who cope with autism spectrum disorders and their families and provide assistance for families,” Snyder said. “For years, Michigan families struggled to find the help they’ve needed. I appreciate Lt. Gov. Brian Calley’s efforts to work with our partners in the Legislature to improve access and insurance coverage.”

The bill amends the Autism Coverage Reimbursement Act, signed into law by Calley in 2012, to now provide $3 million to Western Michigan University and continue providing $500,000 to Central Michigan and Oakland universities.

It is now Public Act 401of 2014.

Snyder also signed HB 5412 and HB 5413, sponsored by state Rep. Nancy Jenkins, amend the Banking Code of 1999 to allowed state-charted banks to conduct savings account promotions in the form of a raffle where customers can enter by depositing money in an account or savings program. They are now PAs 399 and 400 of 2014.

Snyder vetoed a four-bill package that revised the definition of “firearm” in various statutes and created the term “pneumatic gun” to remove air rifles from the definition of a firearm.

The package includes Senate Bill 964, sponsored by Sen. Phil Pavlov; SB 965, sponsored by state Sen. Joe Hune; SB 966, sponsored by state Sen. Rick Jones; and SB 979, sponsored by state Sen. Dave Hildenbrand.

In his veto letter, Snyder wrote that the four Senate bills were intended to be included with three bills from the state House as part of a comprehensive package. The House bills were not approved by the Senate. Enacting only part of the package would create contrasting definitions and a number of inconsistencies in Michigan law.

Snyder also vetoed HB 4573, sponsored by state Rep. Scott Dianda, which prorates fees for liquor licenses in Michigan. In his veto letter, Snyder wrote that while adoption of prorated fees for liquor licenses is sensible reform, this bill would result in a loss of revenue of $500,000-$600,000 annually, which is not addressed in the bill. In addition, the governor was concerned about the health, safety and welfare of the public due to a provision which limits penalties for multiple and repeat violations for sale to a minor or visibly intoxicated person or any other unauthorized purchases.

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