Daily Briefs . . .

Barristers Bar Review Networking Event

The DMBA Barristers Section will hold a networking event from 5:30-7 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 27, at the Detroit Beer Company on Broadway in Detroit. From time to time, the Barristers Section gathers at a local watering-hole for a casual evening of networking, a bit of education, and the chance to make new connections. Join us as Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Kirsten Frank Kelly presents on “Preserving the Record.” There is no registration necessary for this event.


Barristers Night with the Detroit Derby Girls

Join the DMBA Barristers Section at 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 31, at the Masonic Temple on Temple in Detroit for a night with the Derby Girls. The Detroit Derby Girls’ bout this weekend as the Devil’s Night Dames take on the D-Funk Allstars. You’ll also have the chance to take part in a 50/50 raffle to support the Barristers School Partnership Program. Doors open at 4:45 p.m. Registration is $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Up to two children 12 and under are admitted free with each adult admission. Contact the Detroit Derby Girls via email at tickets@detroitderbygirls.com or on the web at www.detroitderbygirls.com.    


ABA applauds 6-year renewal of Terrorism Risk Insurance Act

The American Bar Association on Wednesday applauded President Obama for signing a six-year reauthorization of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act (TRIA), which authorizes the federal government to pay insured property losses after catastrophic terrorist attacks exceeding $200 million in damage.

The ABA, along with businesses, professional sports leagues and the tourism industry, urged Congress to support reauthorization of TRIA. Last week, the House voted 416-5 to renew the legislation and the Senate followed with a 93-4 vote in favor.

“The passage of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act ensures that millions of Americans will be able to get needed insurance coverage in the event of catastrophic losses due to terrorist attacks,” ABA President William C. Hubbard said. “It’s good for businesses and the public.”

In a November 13, 2014, letter from the ABA to House Speaker John Boehner, the ABA noted that the association’s Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section has been analyzing this issue since the inception of the TRIA program and recognizes it as enormously successful in helping protect property owners from the risk of terror attacks.

The ABA’s Section of Real Property, Trust & Estate Law also offered comments in favor of a long-term extension of the program based on its success since 2002.

In 2007, the ABA House of Delegates adopted policy based on the sections’ recommendations that “urges Congress and the administration to protect property owners, consumers and the U.S. economy by partnering with the insurance industry to promote the availability of terrorism risk insurance through legislation that continues support for market mechanisms with federal government insurance backstop protection.”

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