Daily Briefs

ABA Legal Fact Check examines law behind mandatory evacuations in times of crisis

The American Bar Association updated its new web-based legal fact check service today by exploring the law behind state and local orders for mandatory evacuations.

The site, ABA Legal Fact Check, debuted last month and is the first fact check website focusing exclusively on legal matters. The project is one of several initiatives launched by Hilarie Bass, who became the new ABA president on Aug. 15 at the close of the ABA Annual Meeting in New York.

With Hurricane Harvey walloping Southeast Texas two weeks ago and Irma moving through the Caribbean and set to hit South Florida, state and local authorities have the lawful power to order mandatory evacuations and other actions to protect lives either before or after a hurricane makes landfall. But for residents in the path of a storm, these orders can force some to believe they must choose between following the law or staying put to protect property. State laws deal with these situations in different ways.

ABA Legal Fact Check seeks to help the public find dependable answers and explanations to swirling and sometimes confusing legal questions. The URL for the new site is www.abalegalfactcheck.com. Follow us on twitter @ABA FactCheck.


Vet and his new wife marry in Veterans Treatment Court

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan veteran and his new wife decided to hold their wedding in a court designed as a treatment-based alternative for veterans charged with crimes.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports that Peter Moore and Sherry Roney married Thursday after a session of Calhoun County Veterans Treatment Court.

Moore is a veteran who enrolled in the treatment program after being arrested for larceny. He graduated from the program in December and now mentors other veterans.

Veterans can attend the program as a jail alternative. They receive help with problems such as physical and mental illnesses, housing and obtaining veteran's benefits.

Moore says he chose the court for the wedding because the judge and veterans there have become his family. Wedding guests consisted of two dozen former military members with criminal records.


FBA ‘State of the Court’ luncheon set for Oct. 4

The Eastern District of Michigan Chapter of the Federal Bar Association will kick off its Luncheon Series with the annual “State of the Court” address from 11:30 a.m-1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 4 at a location to be determined. Honorable Denise Page Hood, chief judge of  United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, will be the keynote speaker. Check the FBA chapter website, www.fbamich.org, soon for registration. Law firm sponsorship opportunities are still available. For more information, contact Dan Sharkey, chapter program chair, at (248) 971-1712 or by e-mail at sharkey@bwst-law.com.

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