Daily Briefs

Warren addresses Michigan Association of Law Libraries

Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Michael Warren recently addressed the Michigan Association of Law Libraries at their Annual Conference in Waterford about Patriot Week’s National Library Initiative. The Michigan Association of Law Libraries is a chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries which seeks to promote and enhance the value of law libraries to the legal and public community. Warren explained that Patriot Week’s National Library Initiative provides an opportunity for Americans to increase and enhance their knowledge about the history surrounding the birth of the United States. The initiative focuses on increasing awareness on the history of the Founding Fathers and other historical figures, America’s founding First Principles, key documents and symbols of the country. The National Library Initiative furthers this mission by funding the purchase of history and civics books, and includes displays about Patriot Week at participating libraries. More can be learned about the initiative and participating libraries at http://www.patriotweek.org/initiatives. Patriot Week is held from September 11-17. The two anchor dates represent historical events that have had a monumental impact on America, the 11th being the day of the terrorist attacks and the 17th which is the anniversary of the signing of the Constitution.

During the presentation, Warren used excerpts and concepts from his book, “America’s Survival Guide, How to Stop America’s Impending Suicide by Reclaiming Our First Principles and History” to provide insight on how the Constitution is the living embodiment of America’s founding First Principles.


Oakland County Bar Association Annual Meeting and Dinner

The 83rd Annual Meeting of the OCBA will be held from 4-8:30 p.m. Monday, June 4 at the Townsend Hotel, 100 Townsend St. in Birmingham. The awards program will begin at 4:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6 p.m. Prices range from $70 to $110 depending on membership status. Register at www.ocba.org.

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