The International Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan conducted its annual business meeting and program on Thursday, Sept. 13, at the Detroit Regional Chamber’s offices in downtown Detroit. Among those on hand for the section’s program, titled “Building Bridge(s): From Infrastructure to Economic Development,” were (seated, l-r) Troy Harris of Harris Arbitration, and Debbie Auerbach Clephane of The Murray Law Group PC; (standing) James Rayis of Giarmarco, Mullins, & Horton PC; Carla Machnik of Bodman; Reinhard Lemke of Lemke & Associates PLLC; Consul General of Canada Douglas George; and Andrew Doctoroff, senior advisor to Mich. Gov. Rick Snyder.
On hand for the section’s annual business meeting were (seated, l-r) Debbie Auerbach Clephane and Troy Harris, (standing) David Sloan, James Rayis, Reinhard Lemke, Daphne Short Cunningham, Tim Kaufmann, Eve Lerman, Douglas Duchek, Neil Woelke, and Lara Phillip.
Photos by John Meiu
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