At a Glance ...

State lawmakers seek new designation for water pollutants

DETROIT (AP) — Three members of Congress from Michigan want to make federal funds more readily available to clean up public water supplies contaminated with a group of toxic chemicals.

The lawmakers have introduced a bill that would classify the substances known as PFAS as hazardous substances under the federal Superfund law.

The designation would require the Environmental Protection Agency to report releases of the chemicals into the environment and clean up tainted sites.

EPA tests have found pollution from PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, in public water supplies for 16 million Americans in 33 states, including Michigan.

Democratic Reps. Debbie Dingell and Dan Kildee and Republican Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan are sponsoring the legislation.

Court: Ginsburg’s recovery is ‘on track’

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s recovery from cancer surgery is “on track” and no further treatment is required. But the 85-year-old justice has been forced to miss some court arguments.

Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg says  doctors for Ginsburg confirmed an initial evaluation that found no evidence of remaining cancer following surgery.

The court’s oldest justice had surgery three weeks ago to remove cancerous growths on her left lung. She was released from the hospital in New York four days later and has been recuperating at home since then.

Ginsburg missed arguments last week, the first time that’s happened since she joined the court in 1993.

Soda maker pays tribute to shutdown

NEW BRITAIN, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut soft drink maker known for its whimsical soda names is trying to make the bitter federal government shutdown a little sweeter.

New Britain-based Avery’s Beverages has introduced its newest concoction, Shutdown Swill.

Owner Rob Metz tells WTIC-TV the drink is a mix of blue raspberry and orange, making it green, the color of money. He added citric acid for more bitterness. The label features a caricature of President Donald Trump.

Avery's, founded in 1904, is known for its election year sodas, including Make America Grape Again and Hillary Hooch in 2016 and Barack O’Berry and Cream de Mitt in 2012.

It also has a “totally gross” lineup of sodas that includes Dog Drool.

Leave $350 hats at home, school says

GREAT NECK, N.Y. (AP) — Administrators at a New York middle school are begging students to leave their winter hats made by Italian apparel company Moncler at home because the pricey tops keep getting lost.

The New York Post reports that administrators at Great Neck North Middle School on Long Island wrote a letter to parents asking them to “try and redirect your middle schooler from wearing these hats to school.”

Moncler’s knit hats with fur pom poms cost $350, though kids’ sizes are available for less.

The administrators said time spent looking for lost Moncler hats has been “disruptive to the students’ focus and time.”

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