State Supreme Court to conduct public administrative hearing Nov. 16

Pursuant to Administrative Order No. 1997-11, the Michigan Supreme Court will hold a public administrative hearing on Wednesday, November 16, via video conference (Zoom). The hearing will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. and adjourn no later than 11:30 a.m. For those who wish to view the Public Hearing, a livestream can be accessed on the court’s YouTube channel.

Persons who wish to address the court regarding matters on the agenda will be allotted three minutes each to present their views, after which the speakers may be questioned by the justices. Each speaker will receive an invitation to participate in the Zoom meeting; the speakers will be called in order of item number and timing of request to speak. Speakers will join the meeting no later than 9:30 a.m. and will be muted until called on by the chief justice. Comments offered at a public hearing must pertain directly to an item on the public hearing agenda. To reserve a place on the agenda, notify the Office of Administrative Counsel by e-mail at ADMcomment@, no later than Thursday, November 10.  Those unable to register to speak by e-mail may call the office at 517-373-1239.

The administrative matters on the agenda for this hearing are:

1. 2002-37 2017-28  Amendments of MCR 1.109 and 8.119

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to retain the amendments of MCR 1.109 and 8.119 that aid in protecting personal identifying information included in Uniform Law Citations, proposed orders, and public documents filed with or submitted to the court.

2. 2020-08 Proposed Amendments of Administrative Order No. 2020-17 and MCR 4.201

Published at ___ Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendments that would permanently incorporate certain provisions from Administrative Order No. 2020-17 into court rule format under MCR 4.201 and would make a number of minor changes due to a relettering of the rule.

3. 2021-20 Proposed Amendment of MCR 6.001 and Proposed Addition of MCR 6.009

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 6.001 that would establish a procedure regarding the use of restraints on a criminal defendant in court proceedings that are or could be before a jury, and the proposed amendment of MCR 6.001 would make the new rule applicable to felony, misdemeanor, and automatic waiver cases.

4. 2021-24 Proposed Amendments of MRPC 5.5 and Official Comment

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MRPC 5.5 and its accompanying comment that would clarify that lawyers may practice remotely in another jurisdiction while physically present in Michigan.

5. 2021-29 Proposed Amendment of MCR 6.201

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 6.201 that would require redaction of certain information contained in a police report or interrogation record before providing it to the defendant.

6. 2021-35 Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.202

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 7.202 that would provide a definition of governmental immunity to include the state’s, a tribal government’s, or a political subdivision’s immunity from suit or liability.

7. 2021-39 Proposed Amendment of MCR 7.215

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 7.215 that would codify the Court of Appeals’ practice for reissuing opinions and orders.

8. 2021-48 Proposed Amendment of MCR 6.502

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 6.502 that would allow a third exception to the “one and only one motion” rule based on a final court order vacating one or more of a defendant’s convictions either described in the judgment or upon which the judgment was based.

9. 2022-09 Proposed Amendment of MCR 3.703

Published at 509 Mich ___ (2022)

Issue: Whether to adopt the proposed amendment of MCR 3.703 that would require petitioner in a personal protection action to submit a proposed order when commencing the action, which would provide the court with necessary PPII in an appropriate format and reduce workload when preparing personal protection orders.