Focus on Education

In response to prominent faculty abuse scandals, school shootings, and the U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting affirmative action in higher education, Butzel conducted an Education Industry Seminar and Networking event on Friday, October 27, at the firm’s Troy office. Among those speaking at the event were (l-r) moderator Carey DeWitt, Butzel shareholder and Education Industry Group co-chair; Keith James, Keith James PLLC and Board of Trustees, member, Albion College, who spoke on Crisis Management; Mark Brucki, associate vice president of Economic Development, Lawrence Technological University, who spoke on Innovative Pathways: Student Pipeline; and  Mike Poterala,vice president and general counsel, Wayne State University, who spoke on Advancing Science and Technology in the Face of Growing National Security Concerns on Campus.

Photo by John Meiu


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